Thank you for your interest!

You have just taken your first step in your Homestead Journey.
The classes are going to be held at the Brookside Museum in the village of Ballston Spa. We will start each class at 630PM and end somewhere around 830.
The First class is September 19th. Each class will be on the following Tuesday.
Class #1- 9/19 630pm at Brookside Museum
Taught by Eric Smassanow and Anne Clothier and perhaps a few additional folks. This class will focus on Homestead set up, taking a full account of where you are in the process and simple advice to save you time and money.
Eric and Anne have had a lifetime of Homesteading. Eric lives in Milton with his wife, and they produce most of their food and fuel. Anne is the education director of Brookside Museum and will share the historical aspects of your journey with stories and practical advice.
Class #2- 9/26 at Brookside Museum
Growing your own food with Stacey Simmons. Stacey has decades of experience turning a simple area into a lush productive one. You will learn all about mixing your landscape and food production. Seed starting, varieties and getting the most from your gardening efforts.
Class #3- 10/3 at the Brookside Museum 630 pm
Class taught by Diane Whitten of Cooperative extension.
Preserving the Harvest
Diane will take you through the ways to keep that healthy food. From canning, freezing, drying and fermentation Diane can set you on the path of quality food preservation. Have you ever wondered why food you grow tastes best? Find out in an information filled evening, sure to advance your knowledge and enjoyment saving the harvest.
Class #4 10/10 630pm at Brookside Museum
Growing protein, taught by Nicolina Foti of Cooperative Extension and a host of special guests.
Chicken and ducks for eggs and meat, rabbits and even a special breed of goats round out the subjects covered. Did you know that there are places to buy pullets that will start laying eggs in 3 or so weeks?
How about money-saving tips to get your animals through winter. Learn to harvest your animals in a humane way bring you quality food from your own homestead. How to build your own plucker and learn the best ways to remove feathers. How to keep eggs fresh, wash them and have golden yokes you wouldn’t see often from store bought types. Best breeds to keep. Easy to move pens. Grow rabbits in a very small space. Raise goats for milk, cheese and meat. Bring your questions, save yourself from learning the hard way and find success in this money-saving pursuit.
Class #5 Tying it all together. A round robin event!
For 4 classes you have been learning how to set up and actually design and run your own Homestead. This class you will have the opportunity to see and try for yourself Homestead skills. Based on class interest we will be putting together a bunch of “mini classes” to go deeper into what the group has expressed interest in. Dressing a rabbit, eviscerating a chicken, bees and what local honey tastes like are some of the subjects. Also a short course in getting zoning laws changed and how to do it in your town. (It is not that hard). Insurance, does your Homeowners cover you?
These issues and more will be our last evening together. But there is more, you will be with like minded folks and experience fellowship. New friends all getting more control over their lives.
Wait there is MORE!
Based on class interest Milton Grange will be offering full day classes with hands on experience in the coming months. As members of the Milton Grange you will receive a discount on every class offered. In addition the Grange does meet 1 time a month for a breakfast at the Old stone Church. At these breakfast meetings we often have speakers talking about local food production, agricultural subjects and even general issues of our time.
Join us and register today. Space is limited and we are looking forward to seeing you.
The 5 Classes are $75, each class member sign up will be able to bring a guest along at no charge. Included in the $75 is a 1 year membership in the Milton Grange. This membership will entitle you to a discount for future classes offered by the Grange. If you would like to get an additional membership for your guest a $25 charge applies to them. This will be an available option at the classes.
The Brookside Museum, our partner in this project will be collecting the fees. The website refers to the class cost as an donation. The website may call it that but it is just a class fee.
After your sign up a welcome package will be sent to you. We will ask for your mailing address by email. This package will instruct you on how to gather information about your Homestead site and guide you to get the most from these classes.
To sum things up:
1. Sign up for the classes at the Brookside site. SOLD OUT…Thank you for your interest.
2. Check out your pre class package
3.Write down questions you may have as we get into the “Planning your homestead” phase of the classes.
4.Make sure to give us a mailing address so we can send you the start up materials.
5. Spread the word to your friends, there are a limited number of students we can have. The faster we sell out the faster we can focus on sharing our experiences with you.